The Bible tells us that God created man and woman in His image and likeness for each other so that they might be “no longer two but one” (Mt 19:6) in this way they are to live in love and be fruitful (Gen 1:28).
According to the original divine plan this conjugal love is indissoluble “What God had joined together let no one put asunder” (Mk 10:9)
The Sacrament of Marriage comes about through a promise made by a man and a woman before God and the Church, which is accepted and confirmed by God and consummated by the bodily union of the couple. (Youcat 216)
The three essential elements for a Christian Marriage are:
(i) free consent
(ii) the affirmation (which follows full knowledge by both parties) of a life-long exclusive union and
(iii) openness to children.
Marriage is threatened by sin; renewed by forgiveness and strengthened by prayer and trust in God’s presence
Unfortunately many consider / assume that marriage is a” private affair” but actually it is a sacrament of love and service to one another and the community and therefore should be a community celebration – where the community prays for the couple getting married.
To get married in this church, here are a few guidelines:
​In the Archdiocese of Bombay the bride-to-be initiates and monitors the pre-nuptial process
When you’ve found your life partner and plan to get marriage the bride-to-be meets the priest on duty in the parish office and fixes an appointment with him to discuss the marriage procedure. (Please do not send your parents or relatives to make enquiries regarding the procedure for your marriage) The priest will give you a letter addressed to the parish priest of the boy’s parish informing him of your intent and asking him to start with the marriage papers of the boy.
Contact Snehalaya: Diocesan Family Centre (Ph. No. 24468218) to enlist for the Marriage Preparation Course (MPC). As per the diocesan directive this course should be done by both parties at least six months before your marriage.
The Marriage Preparation Course has to be taken seriously for one’s own benefit and happiness for a happy and joy filled marriage. (Data shows couples who do not take the marriage preparation course seriously have ended in serious trouble even thought they presumed they were “in love”)
Meet the priest along with a fresh copy of your baptism certificate and the MPC certificate. The postal addresses and telephone numbers of both the parties so that he can start with the Pre-Nuptial Enquiry (PNE)
On receiving the PNE form and the boy’s baptism certificate the priest of the girl’s parish will decide the dates for the publication of banns and give the boy’s parish priest a letter regarding the dates for publication of banns.
After the publication of banns the groom-to-be collects the results of banns from his parish priest and hands it over to the priest of the bride-to-be. This completes the procedure of your marriage.
The nuptial mass is sacred hence any distraction what-so-ever is not permitted.
Photographers and videographers should position themselves in a fixed place and not distract the faithful with their powerful / dazzling lights and movements
Photographers and videographers are permitted to take ONLY the following shots:
The entrance procession
The Nuptial rite
The communion
Signing of the registers
The exit procession
Photography or videography of the readings is not permitted