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1) Theme for the logo

  • 50 years Golden Jubilee year logo for our Parish

  • Golden Jubilee Motto: "Communities beaded as one Rosary"

2) Concept & Specifications

  • You can either Draw the Logo on an A4 size sheet or make it on the PC

  • Give a small description for your logo

  • Logo can be either be colorful or if a single color then it should be only in black

3) General Rules

  • The design will be used for letterhead, banner, posters, stage etc as a brand for all related events hence the Logo should be appealing to the eye, colors shouldn't be gaudy. Also, minimalist design would be preferred.

  • The design should be original. Plagiarism will not be accepted. References from Google can be used however no duplication of it will be permitted.

4) Submission

  • Per person can submit only 1 logo design

  • Submit your design on a paper to the Parish Office with your Name, Mobile Number and Community Name.

  • Last date for Submission is Sunday, 25th Aug 2019

5) Winner

  • Only one logo will be selected

  • The winner's design will be consulted with the Media & Branding team in order to fit the standard specifications for printing purpose, without damaging the concept intended by the winning designer.

  • The Winner will be announced and Prize will be given during the last day of Jubilee Celebration Program.

Rev. Dr. Francis Carvalho

Parish Priest


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