Palm Sunday
Sunday, 24th March
(As Sunday Mass timings)
Blessing of the Palms:
School Basement English 8:00 AM, Tamil 9:15 AM
Maundy Thursday
Thursday, 28th March
For those unable to attend the main service: 4:00 PM
Mass in Tamil: 6:00 PM
Mass in English: 8:00 PM
Altar of Repose:
English: 9:30 PM
Tamil: 10:45 PM
Good Friday
Friday, 29th March
Mobile Stations of the Cross: 6:30 AM
Way of the Cross in various languages (in the Church)
Tamil: 10:00 AM
Konkani: 11:00 AM
English: 12:00 Noon
Marathi: 1:00 PM
Tamil: 5:30 PM
English: 7:30 PM
Easter Vigil
Saturday, 30th March
Tamil: 6:30 PM
English: 9:30 PM
Easter Sunday, 31st March,
As Sunday Mass timings, no evening Mass
