1. Today is the Fourth Sunday of Lent
2. 24th March is Palm Sunday. Mass begins at 8.00 AM with blessing of the Palms in the school basement followed by procession. And in Tamil, Mass begins at 9.15 AM with blessing of the Palms in the school basement followed by procession.
3. Stations of the Cross after the Evening Mass, are as follows:
● Wednesdays in Konkani, ● Thursdays in Tamil and
● Fridays in English.
4. Lenten Confessions will be on 15th, 16th & 17th of March from 5.30 PM to 8.30 PM in the school basement. Priests will be coming from outside.
5. The All-Mumbai Walking Pilgrimage to pray for Peace will be held on 16th of March - 2024. Further details are on the poster displayed on the Notice-Board.
6. On 16th of March, 10 young men of our Archdiocese will be ordained as Priests, on this day the Diocesan Vocation Service Centre will be organizing a session for discerning young males from 3.30 PM followed by Ordination Service at St. Pius X Seminary, Goregaon. For further details please refer our Notice-Board.
7. Rosarian Youth Day is being organized on 7th of April, 2024 for the youths between the age group of 16 to 25. Registrations can be done at Rs. 150/- per person at the desk outside after the evening mass on Saturdays and Sundays. Last date for the same is 17th of March.
Rosarian Youth Group will be taking youth census of the Parish youth between the ages 16 to 25 years. Parishioners are requested to cooperate.
8. Box for Lenten Alms is placed in the center of the Church. Please drop your collection, the proceeds of which go towards St. Pius College for the formation of Priests.
9. Sisters from Daughters of St. Paul will be putting up religious book stall on Saturday and Sunday, i.e. 9th & 10th of March - 2024. Please patronize.
10. Examiner is coming up with a commemorative issue on its 175th year of publication. For further details please see the notice board.
Rev. Fr. Colman Carlos,
Parish Priest
Parish of Our Lady of the Rosary
Goregaon (West)
