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Sunday Notices - 10th September 2023

1. There will be Welcome Ministry meeting today in the school basement after the evening Mass.

2. All the Prayer Meetings in our Parish resumes from Monday, 11th September.

3. We request the Parishioners to pray for our Holy Cross Sisters who are celebrating their Feast of The Exaltation of the Holy Cross on Thursday, the 14th September.

4. Pre-Baptism sessions will be held tomorrow/today and on next Sunday. 17 September from 4.30 to 5.30 p.m. in the old chapel room. Kindly note the would-be God-parents are required to attend the session on 17th September.

5. Please note there will be no Sunday School today.

6. Kindly note there will Parish Council Meeting on Saturday, 23 September after the 7.00 pm evening mass. Parish Council members are requested to attend.

7. The Bible Cell Members of the Borivali Deanery have organized a daily Bible Quiz from 1st September 2023. Please contact your PPC members for further details.

8. *As per Cardinal's video message on Friday, 8 September we remind of the following*:

(a) Dispensation from attending Sunday Eucharist is now withdrawn, Faithful who are homebound or in some way who may not be able to attend mass may seek a dispensation from their Confessor.

(b) Holy from Communion may now be their received on the tongue.

(c) Differently abled may approach their Parish Council Members should they need assistance in approaching Church to participate in the Eucharist.

9. The Parish Unit of the Bombay Catholic Sabha has organized a drawing competition for our Sunday School Children & Confirmation students on Sunday, 24 September from 10 am. to 12 Noon at our School basement. For further details kindly refer the Church Notice Board.

10. We thank our parishioners in encouraging the children to join in the Eucharist & for the Offertory during the nativity Novena in honor of Mary our mother. We also thank all the Sponsors & Donors for their generous donation in cash & kind during these days. We keep them in our prayer.

Rev. Fr Colman Carlos

Parish Priest

Our Lady of the Rosary Parish

Goregaon (West)


Parish of
Our Lady of the Rosary


Cardinal Gracias Nagar, M.G. Road, Goregaon West, Mumbai. 4000104


Phone: +91 8928312670


Parish Office timing:-
Monday to Saturday

Morning - 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 noon

Evening - 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

© 2023  |  Parish of Our Lady of the Rosary, Goregaon (W)

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