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Sunday Notices - 1st Sep 2024

1. Sunday, 8th September we celebrate the Nativity of our Blessed Virgin Mary.  This day is also celebrated as Girl Child Day.

2. Friday, 6th September is First Friday of the month. Blessed Sacrament Adoration in Tamil at 5.30 PM, in Konkani at 6.00 PM and in English at 6.30 PM.

3. PPC Meeting will be held on Saturday, 7th September at 8.15 PM in the Parish Hall.  Parish Council members are requested to be present.

4. As our Parish Priest, Fr. Colman is on leave, Fr. Anto Denish will be the Acting Parish Priest in his absence.

5. Nativity Novena is conducted by Sunday School Teachers and Children with Novena Prayers in the 7.00 PM Mass on week-days & at 8.15 AM Mass on Sundays. 

We welcome sponsors / donors in cash and in kind like pattice, cakes, chocolates etc.

List of offerings during the Novena days is put up on the notice board.

Children are requested not to eat or have cold-drinks in the church.

Parents are encouraged to send their children in time for the skit.

Feast Mass on Sunday the 8th September will be at 8.15 AM. On this day there will be no Sunday School. The Skit during the Novena days will begin at 6.45 PM followed by Mass.  Parishioners are requested to participate in large numbers and encourage our children. There will be no Charismatic Prayer meetings during the Nine days of Nativity Novena.

6. Our Parish will be celebrating Novem Jevon on Sunday, 15th September, 2024, with Prayer service, cultural events and traditional lunch.  Registration with Rs. 150/- can be done with Konkani Seva Mandal members.

7. In remembrance of the Jubilee Year 2025 we will be erecting a Flag-Pole in our Church Campus. A donation box is kept in the Church for those who would like to donate for the same. Cheques can be drawn in the name of ‘Parish of Our Lady of the Rosary’.

8. There is requirement for a Female Lift Attendant in St. Thomas Academy. Those interested, kindly contact the school office with your resume during office-hour.

Rev. Fr. Colman Carlos

Parish Priest


Parish of
Our Lady of the Rosary


Cardinal Gracias Nagar, M.G. Road, Goregaon West, Mumbai. 4000104


Phone: +91 8928312670


Parish Office timing:-
Monday to Saturday

Morning - 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 noon

Evening - 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

© 2023  |  Parish of Our Lady of the Rosary, Goregaon (W)

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