*Today we celebrate the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, The King of the Universe. Adoration in the Church is as follows:*
●*12.00 P. M. - 1.00 P. M. English*
●*1.00 P. M. - 2.00 P.M. Konkani*
●*2.00 P. M. - 3.00 P. M. Marathi*
●*3.00 P. M. - 4.00 P. M. Tamil*
*● 4.00 P. M. - 4.30 P. M. General*
●*4.30 P. M. - 5.15 P. M. Procession*
●*5.15 P. M. Sermon and Benediction followed by Mass at 6.00 P. M.*
2.*Sunday, 1st December is First Sunday in Advent.*
3. *Next Sunday there will be Mass in Marathi at 12.15 P. M.*
4. *Kindly note during the month of November, there will be an additional Mass in Tamil on Tuesdays and Fridays at 8.00 P. M.*
5.*Admissions for Aquinas International School have begun. Please contact the Aquinas International School Office for the same.*
6. St Anthony Church, Malwani, together with the Catholic Charismatic Renewal present Fr. Rob Galea’s live concert on 30th November and on 1st December, 2024. For further details, please refer our Notice Board.
7. *The Marriage Encounter Team invites all couples, Priests and Religious for the Marriage Encounter Weekend on 30th November & 1st December 2024 at Canossa Convent, Andheri. For further details refer Notice-Board.*
8.A Retreat in Tamil is being organized by Our Lady of Good Counsel Church, Sion. Details are displayed on the banner and pamphlets available on table in the center of the Church.
9. *Bombay Catholic Sabha of our Parish Unit have extended the date for submitting Mark-Sheet for presenting the Academic Awards till Monday, 25th November.*
10. *The Examiner Christmas - Special Colour Magazine of the Archdiocese of Bombay will be published on 14th December, 2024. This issue can be booked in the Parish Office on payment of Rs. 100/- per copy by Monday 8th December. Annual subscribers will get their copies as they have already paid for it.*
Rev. Fr. Colman Carlos
Parish Priest
