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Sunday Notices - 25th February 2024

1. Today is the second Sunday of Lent

2. The Marathi Mission is being held today in the school basement from 8.30 AM to 4.50 PM. 

3. Stations of the Cross after the Evening Mass, are as follows:

● Wednesdays in Konkani

● Thursdays in Tamil and 

● Fridays in English.  

Please note there will be no Stations of the Cross devotion and Charismatic Prayer Meeting during the days of Missions.

4. Lenten Missions: 

● In Tamil : From 28th February to 3rd of March

● In Konkani : From 8th March to 10th of March

As we are a Multi-lingual Parish, timings of language masses on week-days will be changed. Please pay attention each week for the respective timings.

On Wednesday, 28th of February, Mission in Tamil beginning with Mass at 7.00 PM.  On this day, please note Konkani Mass will be at 6.00 PM.  Please note on 29th of February and 1st and of 2nd of March, the English Mass will be at 6.00 PM.

There will be no Adoration on First Friday, i.e. 1st of March, 2024 because of Mass in English at 6.00 PM.

5. The PPC Meeting will be held on Saturday, 2nd March at 8: 15 PM in the Parish Hall. Parish Council Members are requested to be present.

6. Sunday School will be having their Annual Day celebration on Sunday, 3rd of March from 4.30 PM onwards. The Sunday School will close on 10th of  March, 2024. 

7. Station of the Cross Pilgrimage in Tamil will be on 8th of March, 2024. The last date for the registration is 3rd of March. The registration amount is Rs. 500/-

8. The Rosarian Youth will be organizing Rosarian Youth Day on 7th of April - 2024 for youth between the age groups of 16 to 25. Registrations can be done at Rs. 150/- per person at the desk outside after all the masses on Saturdays and Sundays. Last date for the same is 17th of March.

9. Box for Lenten Alms is placed in the center of the Church.  Please drop your collection. The proceeds of  the same will go towards St. Pius College for the formation of Priests.

Rev. Fr. Colman Carlos, 

Parish Priest 

Parish of Our Lady of the Rosary

Goregaon (West)


Parish of
Our Lady of the Rosary


Cardinal Gracias Nagar, M.G. Road, Goregaon West, Mumbai. 4000104


Phone: +91 8928312670


Parish Office timing:-
Monday to Saturday

Morning - 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 noon

Evening - 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

© 2023  |  Parish of Our Lady of the Rosary, Goregaon (W)

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