Sunday Notices: June 02, 2024
Announcement for the Week
1. Today we celebrate the Solemnity of The Most Holy Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ. We welcome all those returning from their relaxing vacation and wish all parishioners a very Happy Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ. May the Eucharist strengthen us in our pilgrim journey of life.
2. Our 11.00 A.M. Mass resumes from this Sunday onwards.
3. There will be Mass in Marathi today at 12.15 PM
4. Friday, 07th May, First Friday of the month; we also celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. Blessed Sacrament Adoration in Tamil at 5.30 PM in Konkani at 6.00 PM and in English at 6.30 PM
5. Those interested in joining as Lectors for the English Masses are requested to kindly give their names with contact details in the Parish Office.
6. Sunday School will resume from 16th of June for the current Academic year.
7. First Holy Communion forms will be available in the Parish office during office hours from 5th of June, 2024. The last date for submission of the same is 15th June, 2024.
8. Those desiring to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation and are in Grade XI and above, are required to enroll in the Parish Office on or before the 20th June 2024. The Sacrament will be held in early 2025.
9. Charismatic Prayer Meetings will resume from 3rd of June, 2024.
10. Members of the Faithful are requested to suggest names of suitable Parishioners who can take upon the role as ‘The Extra-Ordinary Ministers’ of Holy Communion, both for Church-Service & for the Home-Bound. Please write the names of the person & contact-details & submit the same in the Parish Office.
11. The College of Home Science (Nirmala Niketan, Church Gate) is inviting admissions for F. Y. B. Sc. (Home Science) and F. Y. J. C. (Home Science). For details, please see the notice board. For consulting an admission related person from the college, please approach our Parish Office for the phone number.
12. We welcome Fr Alex Gonsalves to our Parish.
13. We congratulate our staff and students of St. Thomas Academy for securing 99.51% and we wish them all the best for further studies.
Parish Of Our Lady of the Rosary
Rev. Fr. Colman Carlos
Parish Priest
