1. *Today as we celebrate Vianney Sunday, the Clergy Team thank you all for your prayer and support and we pray for the Priests all over the world that they do continue to shepherd their flocks in the right direction.*
2. *Sunday, 11th of August is Prison Ministry Sunday.*
3. *Wednesday, 7th of August, is the Feast of Transfiguration of the Lord.*
4. *The English Choirs request our Parishioners to come forward and join them as they sing during Mass. Interested cantors may submit their names to Fr. Nelson indicating their mass preference. Looking forward to your whole hearted support.*
5. *Rosarian Youth Group is organizing “Monsoon Madness – Sliding into the Fun Soon” on Sunday 18th of August from 12.00 Noon onwards. The registration fee is Rs. 100/- which can be done after every Mass on Sundays at the help-desk with the youth volunteers. Parishioners are encouraged to register and participate in this event.*
6. *The Bombay Catholic Sabha of our Parish has organized a “Voter’s registration and verification Campaign” from Saturday, 3rd of August - 2024 to Thursday, 8th of August 2024 after the Evening mass, for further details refer our Notice Board.*
7.*There is a requirement of Peon & Lift Attendant in St. Thomas Academy and a Male-House-keeper for our Parish House. Those interested kindly contact school office with your resume during office-hour.*
8. The Marriage Encounter Team invites all couples and priests for the Marriage Encounter Weekend on 10th and 11th of August - 2024. It’s a two-day residential programme including a Mass. For further details, please refer the Church Notice Board.
9. *St. Anthony Church, Malwani is organizing a football tournament for Altar-Servers, Youth, Junior Boys, Men, Women & Veteran’s (40+). Registration Forms are available in the Parish Office. For further details refer our Notice Board.*
10. “When Two Hearts Meet – Reconnect” - The Family Cell of St Blaise Church, along with the Parish Team is organizing a meet for Roman Catholic individuals whose marriages have been annulled as well as widows, widowers and singles on 18th of August from 10.30 AM to 3.00 PM. For further details, please see the Notice Board.
Rev. Fr. Colman Carlos
Parish Priest
