1. Today there will be Mass in Marathi at 12.15 PM.
2. The clergy team will be out from this evening to Friday, 9th of February for Growth and Bonding outing. Fr. Hendrick Itur will be in-charge during this period.
3. Next Sunday, February 11th will be celebrated as the “World Day of the Sick”
4. Wednesday, February 14th is Ash Wednesday, a day of Fast and Abstinence. Masses are as follows :
6.30 AM & 7.15 AM in English
6.00 PM in Tamil
7.00 PM in Konkani
8.00 PM in English
5. Tomorrow, 5th of February is the last day for filing online application for admission to Jr. KG of Our Lady of the Rosary Kindergarten.
6. Today there is Faith Celebration for Sunday School students of Std. 7th & 8th from 9.00 AM to 12.00 Noon in the Parish Hall.
7. The Rosarian Youth will be organizing Rosarian Youth Day 23-24 on 7th of April - 2024 for youth between the age groups of 16 to 25. Registrations will begin soon.
8. Marriage Encounter live-in weekend will be held from 10th to 11th of February - 2024 at Canossa Convent, Andheri east. For details please see the Notice Board.
9. “The Laity Training Centre” invites you to an online course “NEGATIVITY TO POSITIVITY” starting on 11th of February. For details please see the notice board.
10. Admissions are open for Post Graduate Diploma in Management for Batch of 2024-26 at St. Francis Institute of Management & Research, Borivali. For further details, please refer the notice board.
11. Bible Diaries are available in the Parish Office during the office hours. The rates of the diaries are : English : Rs. 210/-, Tamil : Rs. 150/- & Marathi : Rs. 200/-.
Rev. Fr. Colman Carlos,
Parish Priest
Parish of Our Lady of the Rosary
Goregaon (West)
