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Sunday Notices - 6th Oct 2024

*Sunday Notices : October 6th, 2024*

*Announcement for the Week*

1. *Today we celebrate Thanks Giving Sunday. Let us thank our Lord for all the blessings we have been receiving and pray that He keep us in his fold and continue to bless us in the years to come.*

2. There is Mass in Marathi today at 12.15 P. M.

3. *On the first anniversary of the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas war, Pope Francis has called for a day of prayer and fasting on 7th of October - 24. Let us all pray for peace in the world & may love abide among all the nations.*

4. *Please note the following Novena & Feast Day instructions:*

a) *Novena Masses in honour of Our Lady of the Rosary in English will be at 7.00 P. M. & in Tamil at 8.00 P. M.*

b) *On Wednesday, 9th of October, the Konkani Mass with Novena will be at 6.00 P. M.*

c) *On Sunday, 13th of October, we celebrate our Parish Feast. The 11.00 A. M. Feast Mass will be celebrated by Fr. Tony Menezes. Please note the evening 6.00 P. M. Mass will be celebrated by Bp. James Shekar in Tamil followed by the Procession.*

d) *On Monday, 14th of October the Flag will be lowered after 6.00 P. M. Tamil Mass.*

e) *Blessed Sacrament Adoration, Charismatic Prayer meetings and Tamil language class will not be conducted during Novena.*

5.*On the occasion of our Parish Feast, a 3 day celebration has been planned on the Church grounds i.e on 11th, 12th & 13th of October - 2024 wherein Food Stalls, Flea Market and other Entertainment programs have been planned.*

*Parishioners who are interested to display and sell their products other than the food items are encouraged to book the stalls on priority as they will be allotted on a first come first served basis. For further details, please contact the members of the Feast Committee or your PPC Coordinator.*

*Those who wish to donate and / or sponsor for the stalls may do so with the volunteers sitting outside the Church after the evening Mass on week days and in all the Masses on Sundays or at the Parish Office.*

6.*Sunday, 20th of October - 2024 is Mission Sunday. Food-stalls & Flea-Markets will be put up by the Sunday School Children & the Catechists from 7.45 A. M. to 1:00 P. M. Parishioners are requested to patronize as the amount collected will be sent to Mission Ministry.*

7.*The English Eucharistic Prayer Group is celebrating its 31st Anniversary on Monday, 28th of October - 2024. The Prayer Group members and Parishioners are requested to grace this occasion. Registration per person is Rs. 50/- and the last date for the same is 25th of October - 2024.*

8.*Rosarian Sports Week will be held from 3rd to 10th of November - 2025 with events for Children in the morning & for Adults in the evening after the evening Mass. Registration begins today and will continue till 27th of October - 24 at the desk outside after every Mass. Sponsorships and donations can be made at the Parish Office.*

*We will be hosting the Rosarian Sports Food Dhamaka which will be held on 26th of October - 24 after the evening Mass & on 27th of October - 24 after every Mass. We invite all those who would like to be part of the stalls, prepare food and generously share it with the people freely. All food will be offered freely with donations collected during the event. Funds raised will support Sports Day and balance will go towards Sneha Sadan. Those interested in contributing, please contact Fr Anto.*

9.*Deanery Youth Day (DYD) is being held on 20th of October - 24 for all the Youth between the ages of 16 - 25. The Registration fee is Rs. 100/- and the last day to register is 15th of October - 24. Those interested may please contact: Eric on 740 039 9153 and Deandra on 773 961 8740.*

10.*We thank all the donors who had donated for the Flag Pole. We also thank the workers who toiled to erect the Flag Pole.*

Rev. Fr. Colman Carlos

Parish Priest


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Parish of
Our Lady of the Rosary


Cardinal Gracias Nagar, M.G. Road, Goregaon West, Mumbai. 4000104


Phone: +91 8928312670


Parish Office timing:-
Monday to Saturday

Morning - 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 noon

Evening - 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

© 2023  |  Parish of Our Lady of the Rosary, Goregaon (W)

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