1. Today is Faith Formation Sunday.
2. There will be Mass in Marathi today at 12.15 p.m.
3. The clergy team will be out from this evening (07th July) to Friday, 12th July for Growth and Bonding outing. Fr Alex Gonsalves will be in-charge during this period and will be assisted by Fr Hendrick Itur.
4. As the Bible Class in English will resume from Sunday, 14h July will now be conducted in Small Christian Communities and not in the Parish Hall, as previously announced. Please note Bible Class in Tamil also will be conducted in Small Christian Communities. Parishioners are requested to patronize the same.
5. The List of Extra-Ordinary Minister of Holy Communion who will be commissioned for the year 2024 – 2025 has been put up on the Notice-Board. Parishioner who has any reason why they should not be commissioned may kindly meet any of the Priests as soon as possible. The Commission will take place on Sunday, the 14th July, 2024.
6. We need part-time House-keeping staff for the Parish House. Those interested kindly submit your applications in the Parish office.
Rev. Fr. Colman Carlos
Parish Priest
