Notices: June 02, 2024
Announcement for the Week
1. Those who feel called to participate in the Eucharist as Lectors for the English Masses, please give your names with contact details in the Parish Office.
2. Sunday School will resume from 16th of June for the current Academic year.
3. Altar Servers Meeting will be held on Thursday, 13th of June.
4. Tamil Bible Classes begins from Sunday, 23rd of June - 2024 at St. Pius Seminary from morning 9.00 AM to 1.00 PM. Those interested kindly contact Fr. Anto.
5. First Holy Communion Enrolment forms are available in the Parish Office during office hours. The last date for submission of the same is 15th of June - 2024.
6. Those desiring to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation and are in Grade XI and above, are required to enroll in the Parish Office on or before the 20th of June - 2024. The Sacrament will be held in early 2025.
7. Members of the Faithful are requested to suggest names of suitable Parishioners who can take upon the role as ‘The Extra-Ordinary Ministers’ of Holy Communion, both for Church Service & for the Home Bound. Please write the names of the person & contact details & submit the same in the Parish Office.
8. Don Bosco Institute of Technology Kurla offers Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering. For further details refer our Notice Board.
9. Don Bosco Industrial Training Institute, Kurla is offering Govt certified courses for S.S.C. passed and 8th Std and above. For further details, please refer the notice board.
Rev. Fr. Colman Carlos
Parish Priest
